Friday, November 21, 2008

*!*Me and me family*!*

Well my family had a talent show! Please don't laugh at my talent! I don't usually act like this so just tellin ya! I don't act this weird! [sometimes] Ok any ways I bet you guys cant do this! Except if your Chasie, or Adrianna! K this is an awesome talent! K! Well I like Jases and Jase wasn't joking this is the way he always acts! He will get very mad if I tell you this well then I better be quiet! Ellies is good to! I taught her every thing she knows I am so proud my lil sister is growin up! Yea her! I am glad only my friends get to see this! Like Chasie, Sydney, Adrianna, Shaylie, and everyone I know! Well enjoy the films! Please leave a comment and tell me I did okay! K! That will make me feel much better than I feel right now! Well Bye!
The #1 one is me and gymnastics [me self]
then #2 is Ellie and gymnastics [my sister]
then #3 is Jase freakin out [my broher]
then #4 is Ash and I singin! You cant even hear me so I am good because you cant hear me! [Sister]

Thursday, November 13, 2008

~*!*I share now!*!~

Hey what is upppp? What should I talk about. Well I am going to give this website to my friend Brayden the one I like! He is so cute! He is Mormon too! He is fun to hang out with! He also has so may things to talk about he knows all my friends that are girls and are boys! I am supposed to make this girl that is really rude to my friend Sydney! So I don't know if I should do it and if I do, we were going to like black mail her! Say like I should stop fighting with Sydney because she is so going to win the fight and like she is so pretty and popular and stuff like that! But I don't know if I should or if I shouldn't! My dad right now has a cup above his head and he is trying to get the last drop of water in his mouth! So it looks like he is sticking his tongue out and is trying to get snow in his mouth! I know I know! Ocward but hey I have to live with it I might be able to go to the movies with my friend Shaley she had a blog when I got one! It was awsome! Well I gotta go my dad is getting like way mad not because I put that on my blog no he dosen't know about that so lets not tell him shall we! Just kidding! Well I gotta go Bye!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Hey waz up I decided I should have two blogs!

This rocks in stead of Deleting the first one I can have two blogs well gotta go write another post before Morgan starts to hurt me! jk! Well my life has been complicated me and Chase are over but I still have alot of boys asking me out the bad part is I say no! But I still have some boy friends as in they are my friends alot of em but I also have a new boy friend I know know don't start yelling at me! This boy friend is across the street from me! So we always hang out with all my friends and it is so fun even at school! Thats why I like school so much! Well I gotta go so I will type one more thing! K! Um I got a new softball jacket it looks sweet it even has our softball team name it rocks! well gotta go!!!! Bye!